Enlarge Person Spell

Enlarge Person Spell (Optibuilds’ Notes)  Rating 10/10  alchemist 1, magus 1,sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1, witch 1

Enlarge Person is a great first level arcane spell.to be prepare, learn or cast through wand or scroll.  Cast it on a front line PC and he gains reach, takes up twice the space, and does more damage with each attack.  The typical medium character goes from guarding a 15 x 15 square to guarding 30 x 30 square.  This is like a low level wall spell for a caster.

Cast this spell on a front liner with combat reflexes to get the most protection you can.  If you are a front liner, drink the potion. Buy a wand and cast it on yourself, assuming you can. Have someone else cast it on you with your wand.

About admin

Lawyer by day and Pathfinder player by night. I am a Pathfinder player supreme. At least I like to think so. Really, I just love the game. Everything from game mastering to role playing to game tactics is nothing but a blasts. So it is only natural that I would want to share my insights with others.
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One Response to Enlarge Person Spell

  1. Kissthecook says:

    I have a Cleric that uses EP with Lead Blades to increase his weapon damage by 2 steps. I often use this trick while wielding a Holy Ice Weapon – a 2nd level spell that creates a frozen holy water weapon – cast with a Rime Metamagic Rod to inflict the entangled condition for 2 rounds with each hit. This trick also works with the Instant Weapon spell (made of force!) and a Toppling metamagic rod which grants a trip attempt each time you hit. Both are extremely worth it to cast with the Empower meta magic feat for an extra 50% damage.

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