Pathfinder Builds You Would Like to See the Most

Feel free to leave you comments below for the builds you would most like to see added to  Your build could very well be the next one on the site.

17 Responses to Pathfinder Builds You Would Like to See the Most

  1. admin says:

    Maybe an optimized battle cleric build?

  2. gdn says:

    I’d like an optimized melee bard, Boa Jangles rocks at ranged. Amaze us and thanks.

  3. Matt says:

    I’d like to see the meanest druids, mage and melee/wild shape, you can build.

  4. thaelia says:

    can we see some love for a healing specialized cleric/oracle/anything? some of us enjoy being one of these without being ONLY a healbot :)

    • admin says:

      I will work on your suggestion, however, I am a little confused as to what you are asking for. On the one hand I believe you are saying you want to be healing specialized. On the other hand you are saying that you don’t want to be only a healbot.

      So are you requesting a battle cleric build, a buffing cleric build, a controller cleric build, a healing specialist that has something else he does on the side. Right now I am working on a cleric build that is different from all of the above. However, I am interested in your clarification.

      • Thaelia says:

        Ah, yes yes yes, i really spelt that wrong.

        You see, in my past 3 campaigns, i always went on with Oracles, Clerics and everything close to a battle-medic of some sort. So my groupmates got used to the joke “We are fighting in 3+1 right now”, because i often sacrifice any battle-power i might get just to make sure everyone else is all right, very often ending up in overhealing in most situations.

        My original request was aiming at something much more… laid back, with the idea of “Alright, you’ll take some extra damage but you won’t die 100%”, but as i’m writing this, i’m realizing that it may not be THAT much interesting. So i’m partially switching it to “Ok, i have the chance to heal you all and i probably will do it, but in the meantime i’ll hack some heads in such manner you’ve never seen before” kind-of idea.

        I know that battle healing is often frowned upon, but for so much time i didn’t had the choice “1) i kill it before it kills you, 2) i heal you, i pray he doesn’t kill you, you kill it”. Most of us healing fanatics don’t always get credit for all the help they might deliver to their teammates, often falling into the funny paradox “You’re almost useless, but without you we wouldn’t be able to continue at all”.

        On the other hand, we might be solving this whole affair with offensive spells. Of course, after a while magic becomes a force to be reckoned with, either as divine or arcane. But with my personal experience, i had very little space for unleashing my full arsenal, relying often on the “spontaneous heal” part of the job. Of course i could’ve solved this dilemma with wands or potions, but they shouldn’t be necessary to turn us from “Healbots” to “NOW I CAN DO SOMETHING ELSE!”

        I probably made this whole affair a lot more confusing now, but it’s fairly hard to explain with mere words.

  5. Nick says:

    I’d like to see a gunslinger mysterious stranger optimized that be pretty sick or maybe even a magus

  6. Ben says:

    The PERFECT Arcane Trickster. Many paths, which is best for sneak blasting?

    • admin says:

      I will have to work on an Arcane Trickster to answer your question. However, I will tell you some useful info. There as been a recent ruling from Paizo that allows spell like abilities to grant early entry into prestige classes. Go to Paizo and look up the advice threads that talk about early entry. No doubt, playing an Arcane Trickster can be effective now in ways that it was not before.

  7. Stephan says:

    I would like to see a wild shape druid as well or maybe a monk melee build

  8. Zec says:

    I would like to see the Slayer from the Advanced Class Guide that will be out soon. Play-test can be downloaded for a good look from Paizo.

  9. Dianne says:

    I would really like to see an optimized druid wild shape build

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